What plants need a trellis or stake to grow?
Trellises, Stakes and Tomato Cages.
Making the most of your garden space allows you to grow more veggies, and ensure your plants reach their full growing potential. Place your trellises, stakes and hoops in when planting your seedlings.
Trellis: Cucumber, pole beans, cherry tomatoes, nasturtium, cucamelon, vining squash. First place the trellis securely in the garden bed and then plant the seeds, seedlings at the base of the trellis.
Stakes: Use stakes to support pepper, eggplant, zucchini and yellow squash plants. "Plant" stake in hole with seedling so that main stem is close to/touching the the stake.
Tomato Cages: Large variety tomatoes, tomatillos. Cage should be placed so that seedling is directly in the middle.