What is a Fruit Grove?

Fruit groves are a mix of fruit producing trees, bushes, vines and brambles. They can vary in size from 2 plants to 20 and beyond. Caring for your fruit grove is a full season process which will increase the health and yield of your grove year after year.


Fruit Care Program by Season

WINTER (Jan-March): Prune trees and apply dormant oil.

SPRING (Apr - June): compost, fertilize, DE application, staking, weeding, pruning, debris removal and planting new trees or bushes if requested

SUMMER (July - Sept): light prune and fruit thinning, netting, inspection of fruit development and for insects/disease followed by treatment if needed

FALL (Oct - Dec): harvest inspection for insects/disease followed by treatment if needed, mulch base for winter

Hourly Rate: $90.00 *

*plus cost of any additional materials (i.e. mulch, compost, netting, covers, new trees or shrubs etc.)